80% Wood Reduction

80% Wood Reduction

Boulder-5-B-675pxOur soapstone masonry heaters will reduce the amount of wood you burn by 70-80% compared with a traditional wood stove or fireplace.  Our customers who have replaced a wood stove, even those with a soapstone veneer or cladding, regularly report reducing wood usage from seven or eight cords per year down to only one or two cords!

There are three obvious benefits from this wood use reduction.
First is the lifestyle improvement.  Imagine reducing the amount of wood you will cut, split and stack by 70-80%.  No more getting up in the middle of the night to load your firebox… only one or two fires per day to heat your home.
On average we currently see split seasoned cord wood selling for roughly $200 per cord around the US.  Prices vary wildly by region and species but on average most customers will save around $1,000 per year on cord wood alone.
Not only do our soapstone masonry heaters operate at better than twice the real world efficiency of even the best traditional wood stoves, but when combined with a 70% plus reduction in wood usage, its a win for you and the environment.